iFlip has provided a robust selection of stocks and ETF’s to build your custom SmartFolio. Not all stocks work well with AI or Algorithms, so we do a rigorous evaluation before they are approved.
In case you're not a big reader, feel free click here to watch a video tutorial on how to build your own custom Smartfolio.
Once you're in the custom Smartfolio builder we offer two primary ways to select your stocks:
- Popular Stocks: We provide a list of the 24 most popular stocks to use with a custom SmartFolio. We recommend starting with these.
- Search Bar: You can search for additional stocks using the search feature inside the custom SmartFolio builder. If the stock comes up through this search, you can add it to your customer SmartFolio.
You can add as many stocks as you wish, but the minimum investment will vary depending on how many stocks are chosen and its allocation.
You can edit, update, or modify a custom SmartFolio at any time. If you re-balance or withdraw from active investments, it may take up to 3 business days until for the cash to fully settle before it converts into buying power or withdraw-able cash.